'Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt' "Female stories are stronger than ever!"'Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt' is an American Netflix television series created by Robert Carlock and the ever-hilarious Tina Fey. Starring...
FINAL SEASON | 'Prison Break: Resurrection''Prison Break' is an American Fox television drama series created by Paul Scheuring, with its original four seasons shown between 2005...
NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY | 'The Keepers''The Keepers' is a seven episode American Netflix documentary exploring the murder of Sister Cathy Cesnik, that remains unsolved. Sister...
'Wonder Woman' | "Visually stunning & action-packed!"After 20 years of development, 'Wonder Woman' has finally made it to the big screen. But how does it it compare to the recent DC Extended...
FUNKO | 'Game of Thrones' to 'Kingsman' Pops!This week, Funko is the gift that keeps on giving. Images of 13 different (future) figure releases from 4 different franchises have hit...
NEW IN MUSIC | Paramore 'After Laughter' Album ReviewI’ll be honest. When I first heard ‘Hard Times’ – the debut single from Paramore’s fifth studio album ‘After Laughter’, I wasn’t sure. I...
GAMEPLAY | 'Mass Effect: Andromeda' Part 2After the human ark found the Nexus in a bad state in the first part of this play-through, Niamh Ryder, the human Pathfinder, needs to...
ACTION | 'John Wick: Chapter 2' in cinemas now‘John Wick: Chapter 2’ continues the story of John Wick after he returns to the criminal underworld to repay a debt, where he discovers...
'Doctor Who' | 'The Pyramid at the End of the World' S10E06A mysterious ancient pyramid appears overnight in Turmezistan in the middle of three armies. There’s only one person who can sort this...
YOUTUBE | Gaming gods back with new ep!The 'Talking Bit' boys have returned and are raving about IEM Sydney! Catch up on Episode 11, as they go deep into 'Quake Champion'...
From West End to off-Broadway | Matthew Perry's 'The End of Longing' PlayMatthew Perry hit the metaphorical nail on the head with his play ‘The End of Longing’, originally playing at the Playhouse Theatre in...
The Partition of India | Gurinder Chadha’s 'Viceroy's House'In 1947, British statesman Lord Mountbatten serves as India's last Viceroy and is charged with handing India back to its people, but...
PUCKISH PODCAST | 'My Dad Wrote a Porno'When British writer Jaime Morton’s father handed him the draft manuscript for a novel he was working, Jaime was more than happy to give...
FREE! | Warrington Market Comic-Con 2017When we think of the UK 'con circuit', London, Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool are the first cities that come to mind. Each location...
NETFLIX ORIGINAL | 'Dear White People'Brave. Compelling. Hilarious. These are just some of the words that will come to mind when trying to describe the amazing show that is...