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FUNKO | 'Game of Thrones' to 'Kingsman' Pops!

This week, Funko is the gift that keeps on giving. Images of 13 different (future) figure releases from 4 different franchises have hit the internet, with hints at more to come! So what can we expect to see on store shelves over the next few months?

Let's start with the Matthew Vaughn hit 'Kingsman'. An underground spy organisation recruits the most unlikely of agents in the form of a cocky street smart Southern teenager ready to take on a global threat in the form of a technological genius.

Harry, Eggsy, Valentine and Gazelle all feature in (what we hope to be) the first wave of 'Kingsman' Pops! The figures not only come in a variety of unique poses (especially for Funko Pop! figures), but each one also includes a weapon of choice - and even a dog!

Next up is a Walgreens exclusive and is the very menacing Superior Spider-Man. The dark tone of the suit accompanied by clenched fists and spider-like legs coming out from behind makes this friendly neighbourhood Spidey quite the bad ass. Expected to be released in the US in mid-June.

The next set is from the highly acclaimed TV series 'Game of Thrones'. The show already has plenty of figures from the previous seasons - even a fanbase of collectors dedicated to 'GOT' Pops alone! But this wave in particular focusses on Season 6, with our personal favourite from the line being the very drunk and disheveled-looking Tyrion Lannister. No sign of any chase variants or exclusives yet... but we wouldn't put it past Funko to release some further down the line.

Finally, to end our list is the wonderfully bizarre looking Darth Vader... in a Tie Fighter. "Why so wonderfully bizarre?" you ask? Well, take a good look at it. Funko are already known for their over-exaggerated figures, but this is something else. Not only is the base design taken from the Death Star (as opposed to the regular plain black bases all 'Star Wars' Pops! usually come on), but Darth Vader's giant head is popping out of the top of this (not to scale) Tie Fighter! Funko pulls this off so well that we wouldn't be surprised if more of these were to come.

So what do you think of these latest figures? And which is your favourite? As always, let us know in the comments below! Or tweet us HERE!

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