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 The journey 

Welcome to Bluebell Healthstyle – where eating well, living well and feeling great is the core objective.


BBH is a result of my personal journey to health and happiness. As I write this, I am my network’s go-to person when it comes to health and exercise: “How did you bake that quinoa cake?” “How do I get the kids to enjoy eating healthy?" "Isn't this impossible on a tight budget?” “I need to shed my excess baggage, but don’t have time. Help!” I am proud to be able to answer these questions now, but I wasn’t always in a position of authority when it came to food and fitness.


In my early twenties, I was considerably heavier. My eating habits, an ill-informed understanding of exercise and a lack of nutritional wisdom saw my weight stretching beyond my BMI. Couple this with long hours working in retail, and daily access to cheap-and-easy fast-food during rushed lunch breaks... It should come as no surprise that I really didn’t have much energy or shape at all.















At 22, I couldn’t run more than 100m before stopping for breath and wheezing my way up the next big hill. The teen acne had now become adult acne, leaving an even worse trail of destruction throughout my T-section. And on top of all that, my confidence when it came to body image and fashion was quite low.











It wasn’t until I reached 23 and became a Secondary School Teacher that my mindset changed. Fed up with the limited food selection at the canteen (with nothing nutritional on offer), and wearing uncomfortable control briefs under my professional attire during the hot summer, I decided to explore a healthier lifestyle that was sustainable.


When a friend invited me to join her on her weekly 5km river run, I jumped at the chance, but knew my level of fitness simply wasn’t up to scratch. Besides feeling tired and puffed, I'd often feel physically sick by the time I arrived home and needed to lie down for a couple hours!


However, I persisted, investing in ‘proper’ running shoes (as opposed to the $10 pairs I’d foolishly worn over the years), and challenged myself to run ‘just a little further’ every afternoon. Soon I was enlisting in fun-runs and local marathons. I was soon able to run up to 3km before slowing down for breath! And it started with persistence.
















I then invested in a budget cross-trainer for my home, vigorously working out every second night while watching television, because god-forbid I fall behind on my favourite shows!


When I discovered yoga, or as I call it, the ‘game changer’, I felt I'd found my fitness balance. In practising yoga, I learned that exercise wasn’t just about mind-relaxation, but training your body to be stronger and more powerful than you could ever imagine. In using the weight of my own body to tone up, I avoided the 'Schwarzenegger' look and became the leanest version of myself to date.


Complementary to the new ‘home’ fitness regime, my eating habits also reflected a healthier mindset. No longer was I buying pre-made (processed) chicken schnitzels and 5-min cheesy carbonara mixes. I also said goodbye to fast-food, and began inviting friends over for experimental nutritional home dinners instead of eating out. We saved money, enjoyed the freedom and privacy, and didn’t feel heavy or guilty by the end of our dinner dates.
















By now, I was devouring satisfying serves of tasty vegetables with the necessary accompaniment of protein and iron, and savouring every mouthful. I was packing my own tasty, energy-fuelled lunches every day, and saving money in the process! I no longer craved processed ‘convenience’ foods, or ‘slothed’ about on the lounge for extended periods of time. I had the energy to work out daily, was excited to explore new fitness regimes, and my acne was beginning to clear up. And guess what? I felt AMAZING.













The last point of change in redesigning my lifestyle was the addition of natural supplements - those that bridge a gap between the nutrients you are already getting and those you aren't, through no fault of your own. When I learned that the enormous amounts of vegetables I was now eating still weren't giving me the massive nutrient-hit I needed (due to their predominant water content), I spent time researching to find the right 'gap-bridger' for me.


While I LOVE fruit and vegetables, the pressure to work the adequate amounts into my daily meal plan was stressful to say the least - especially in rushed work conditions with inadequate kitchen facilities. So when I discovered the 100% natural, cold-pressed fruit, vegetable and berry capsules you see here on my site, the pressure was lifted. So while my acne had improved with my changed diet, and the weight had dropped due to increased fitness, soon the supplements had strengthened my formally brittle hair and nails,and helped to ward off the regular colds I was getting in my less-fit state.


When I surpassed my health goals, I became really observant, and started to notice just how much money people were spending on gym memberships, or throwing away on empty calories each day. Their lack of motivation and nutritional education reminded me of my former self, and I desperately wanted to help them get their fitness back on track, and save them moolah in the process. I started recording my progress online.













I received astronomical support from my network. Not only did people notice how healthy I now looked (toned arms, clearer skin, and an actual figure!), but also that my confidence had increased tenfold as a result.

I’ve lived this lifestyle for a long time now, and am grateful for the opportunity I’ve been given to inspire others to make the necessary, rewarding changes to their own lives.


So join me in the Bluebell Emporium today, where a growing library of recipes and workouts are exclusively available to members, and you'll be supported by a forum of individuals on the same health journey as you! 

















Let’s eat well, live well, and feel great together!

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