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NOVEL-TO-FILM | 'The Secret Scripture' in cinemas now

'The Secret Scripture' tells the story of a woman who kept a diary during her extended stay at a mental hospital.

The film can be considered a historical romance at its cheesiest, and yet, it surpasses any Nicholas Sparks novel to film translation. However, it's no surprise the film holds a negative light.

'The Secret Scripture' is a film with a lot to say, but as it delves deeper and deeper into the plot, it seems to struggle in expressing it.

Director Jim Sheridan ('In The Name of the Father', 'My Left Foot', 'In America') lacks the subtly of his previous work, unable to find stable footing across the story despite the wonderful performances he helps draw out of the actors.

Rooney Mara is a brilliant actress when given the right role to shine, and it was nice to see Theo James in something other than the 'Divergent' films and 'Underworld: Blood Wars', where he is expectedly the macho action star.

The adaption of 'The Secret Scripture' can be seen as the classic case of novel-to-film where its themes are lost in translation. It's a film that appears strong on the outside, but is ultimately structured on rocky ground. The more time spent with the film, the more you'll see past the facade it holds. In the end, the 'big reveal' is hardly so.

'The Secret Scripture' is in cinemas now.

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