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SUPANOVA POP CULTURE CONVENTION | Brisbane hosts Marvel's Stan Lee & more!

This past weekend saw thousands of fans of TV shows, movie franchises, anime and more gather at the Brisbane Convention Center for the annual Supanova Pop Culture Convention - and boy did the convention up its game!

Supanova is a convention similar to that of Comic Con, bringing celebrities, creators and collectors from popular (and usually geeky) shows together to mix and have fun. The convention takes place every year in Australia's major capital cities.

This Bris-Nova took place from Friday 10th to Sunday 12th November, and brought Marvel superstar creator Stan Lee (who turns 95 years old this December!), Millie Bobby Brown ('Stranger Things'), Christian Kane ('Angel', 'Leverage',

'The Librarians') and James Marsters ('Angel') just to name a few!

This year there was an abundance of artists, crafts-people and collectors doing well in their stalls. Also ubiquitous were the usual fare of signed memorabilia, action figures and t-shirts to keep any fan happy.

The most noticeable trends at the show seemed to be superheroes (what with the upcoming 'Justice League' film and 'Thor: Ragnarok' out now), Disney princesses, 'Ghostbusters' and 'Star Wars'. Funkopops were also doing the rounds this year, with everyone carrying the stand’s bags loaded with cute loot.

The crowds were certainly large this year but there was a lovely joviality and friendliness among everyone that made the experience pleasant despite sweaty bodies and sore feet.

The cosplay, as expected, was outstanding, creative and full of variety. Nothing beats either recognising something you know or watching others geek out over someone they saw. Arguably though, it is the rides on public transportation around the CBD with these cosplayers that is the best time to experience them at their best. It's definitely a lesson in self-confidence.

Photo by Supanova 2016.

The Supanova crew and volunteers have to be commended for their organisation - especially in dealing with the hordes of Stan Lee fans, with extra lines and systems put in place to make the waiting as minimal and easy as possible.

The introduction of the QR scanners for photo collection was a great bonus that has been refined over the last few years and seemed to work flawlessly. It was also a relief to see more designated seating areas inside the exhibitor hall. Although there still doesn't seem to be enough, it's a huge leap from the old tin sheds of years gone by!

Interested in visiting Supanova in the future? Here are some handy tips: comfortable shoes, bring at least one bag and only take cash (so you have some chance of sticking to a budget).

All in all, Supanova Brisbane this year was more organised, more professional with bigger stars and bigger crowds. It’s hard to imagine how they will beat this next year!

Supanova Brisbane will be back in November next year, but the last convention of the year is taking place in Adelaide this weekend Friday the 17th-Sunday the 19th November 2017. Tickets are available online or at the door.

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