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'SHADOWHUNTERS' | 'Salt in the Wound' S03E07

The latest episode of 'Shadowhunters' can be summed up in one word: brutal. There were character deaths and near-deaths, betrayals, confessions and flashbacks galore. It seems that the showrunners have been building up to this episode for a while, and for once, it paid off.


After last episode’s last minute reveal that Jace is the Owl, this week begins with a possessed Jace running, and eventually being confronted by Clary. To prove that he is not at all in love with Clary, he throws her off the roof of a building and onto a car upon hearing her say that she loves him.

This leads to the first big reveal of the episode: Clary’s confession to Alec, Isabelle, Magnus and Simon that Jace was killed by Valentine. Plus, Clary bringing Jace back by making a wish to the Angel Raziel: the only wish the Angel will ever permit Shadowhunters, and therefore a crime in the eyes of the Clave.

After apologising to Alec and acknowledging the terrible position this puts him in, Clary is embraced by Alec and forgiven for keeping such a terrible secret. The lack of consequence in this moment (outside of Jace being possessed by the mother of all demons) resurfaces later in the episode when Clary makes the sacrifice of sending the others through a portal to Magnus’ place, leaving her behind in Alicante to face the crimes committed that day.

While Clary and crew try to figure out how to save Jace without alerting the Clave, Jace is tasked by Lillith to go to Alicante and dig up the remains of Valentine. Jace approaches his grandmother, Inquisitor Imogen Herondale (Mimi Kuzyk), to gain him access to the highly secured cemetery of the disgraced. Unfortunately for him, this is after Imogen has been made aware of the goings on by Alec, Izzy and Clary who made a request to her for some forbidden weaponry. Sadly, this leads to Jace killing his grandmother in a ruthless scene that makes viewers realise just how much they actually liked Imogen.

At the same time, another betrayal is unearthed, and this one revolves around Kyle - Simon’s roommate. Kyle turns out to be Jordan Kyle - Maia’s ex-partner that attacked her, turned her into a werewolf before running off, never to be seen again... until now. She is understandably pissed when she turns up at Simon’s doorstep and realises who he is.

Simon is balancing handling this latest surprise, caring for his girlfriend and being Luke’s bodyguard while they try to track down where all of Lilith’s victims are being gathered; this includes Luke’s detective partner, Ollie.

Compared to last episode’s slow pace, this episode’s beginning demanded attention. The fight scene between Clary and Jace is entertaining to watch - dynamic and reflective of their mental approaches to the battle. While at times it is hard to believe, especially as Jace holds Clary in a chokehold over the edge of a building and she barely flails or attempts to convince him to get him to let go, Clary’s fall (while not visually stunning), is quite epic. The creators were not shy in showing Clary hurt, only copping out on showing Simon help her out of her predicament or her healing.

Clary’s confession to her friends is handled well. The amount of decent apologies that are included in this series is really wonderful to see - people owning up to their mistakes, addressing the issues and then acknowledging the hurt they caused others. It would just be nice if they realised their issues a lot sooner than they do. Admittedly, seeing Alec forgive and hug Clary is such a powerful and beautiful moment that it could possibly drive many to confess their secrets, too.

Maia and Jordan are an interesting inclusion in this episode. The flashbacks are well included, but they did ruin the mood and pace of the episode, to the point where it feels like filler in between the tension and suspense of what is happening in Alicante; this is frustrating because there are lots of good points made, and it is so empowering to see Maia stand up for herself; this is an important foundational point for the season, and yet the timing of the reveal is all wrong.

Finally, saying goodbye to Imogen was strangely difficult to watch, perhaps because her death was was very tragic. It is morbidly nice to see this character - a strong and stern authority figure, die nobly. For her last act to be notifying Alec and his crew of the situation rather than reporting to the Clave, is brave and bold. A lovely send off to a fantastic and full-of-agency character.

Now that the first part of 'Shadowhunters' Season 3 is beginning to build, the next few episodes should be impressive and powerful. Here's hoping the writers follow this standard to the very end of the season.

'Shadowhunters' Season 3 airs weekly on Netflix.

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