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'SHADOWHUNTERS' | 'Thy Soul Instructed' S03E04

'Shadowhunters' 'Thy Soul Instructed' continued almost directly on from last episode and was a fascinating dive deep into the psyche of many of our favourite characters.

In this episode, Jace (and Clary) believe he is in serious mental trouble after he returns to the Institute with no memory of the night before. Neither of them know that this is because Jace has been controlled by Lilith, but suspect it has something to do with the whole 'being back from the dead' thing. Despite this, they decide to continue hiding the truth from everyone that loves them and is concerned, of course.

Simon is on the hunt for a new apartment after kindly being forced out by Luke last episode. Lucky for Simon, he nearly gets hit by a bike messenger who just happens to be charming (and Australian) and have an epic apartment that is cheap enough for him to afford as a roommate. Kyle (played by Chai Hansen of ‘The 100’ fame) is offering everything Simon wants right now, including privacy, a super-rare guitar, and rent control with no strings attached. Because of course he is, we all believe that.

Finally, Izzy and Clary are on a mission to handle a rogue vampire who robbed a blood bank truck, which opens itself to complications, as there is a human technician missing (presumed dead) and the vampire is actually Heidi, who we learnt Simon accidentally turned last season; the same Heidi who Raphael was keeping in his basement and who escaped at the end of the last episode, and is also maniacal.

Heidi turned out to be a well-done villain with no scruples and an understandable love for Simon. Tessa Mossey does a great job as Heidi, making her a fun and diabolical character who we can appreciate will make life difficult in the future for all our favourites - but in particular, Simon.

Another fantastic villain is Lilith (Anna Hopkins), who we are given more insight into this episode. Although she is not yet a three-dimensional character on the show, her treatment as a devoted (demon) mother and queen of the demon realms are really fun to witness. Of course it wouldn’t be 'Shadowhunters' if she didn’t get a monologue scene while she sashays around a random dining room with a singed black flower (which yes, is a motif tying back to baby Jonathan/Sebastian, but still: very cliché).

The new elements to Jace’s possession are also coming into play. Jace’s love for Clary is the only thing that can break the control Lilith has over him is also cliché, but admittedly well done. When Lilith encounters Jace, repossesses him and then demands Clary's whereabouts is a highlight, because we see Jace really struggle to bite his tongue and fight the bonds holding him. To make such a moment purely physical, convincingly limited to Dom Sherwood's facial movements, is a testament to where the show has come in just over two seasons - showing rather than telling (at least some of the time) which makes for a great viewing experience.

What Jace did to the possessed human Morgan from last episode is still a mystery best expressed by Magnus, Alec and Clary when it is revealed she is no longer demonic in nature at all. It seems likely Jace did listen to Lilith but may have done things his own way - true to his stubborn nature, which is promising for future episodes.

One note of importance: Jace wondering if his psychological issues are inherited by his mother Celine, who we are told suffered from psychosis, is an interesting plot. Comparing mental illness to a demon possession is hazardous; Jace of course is not making this comparison, but the writers who are walking a tenuous line, where powerful one-sided dialogue harm and insult the millions of people who suffer with mental illness every year. There’s not enough for us to go off at the moment to make a completely informed judgement, but one hopes the writers can pull off the former and avoid the latter at all costs.

Episode 4 was an enjoyable addition to the 'Shadowhunters' series and definitely achieved making fans anxious for the next one with the final cliffhanger.

Tune into 'Shadowhunters' Season 3 on Netflix, airing new episodes weekly.

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