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'SHADOWHUNTERS' | What Lies Beneath (S03E03)

Alternative titles to this week’s instalment of 'Shadowhunters' could include 'Everyone Falls Apart' or 'This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things'. Instead, it was titled 'What Lies Beneath', and the episode was an emotional kick to the stomach for the characters and viewers alike.


Innocent civilians are still being killed and possessed by someone wearing an owl mask. We learn that this someone is definitely part human as opposed to demon, thanks to handy capsicum spray; this feeds Jace’s delusions, convincing himself the person in the owl mask is Jonathan/Sebastian. As a result, Clary begins to realise that something is amiss with Jace and asks Izzy to help her figure out what is going on.

Simon should probably join in with Clary and Izzy as he has no idea why his forehead lights up when attacked, sending his enemies flying across the room. Although he knows it has something to do with the Seelie Queen, he is understandably reluctant to go see and interrogate her. Even after he has asked others for advice (Luke, Clary, Magnus and Raphael), and tries to go to the Seelie court, it turns out the Seelies have blocked everyone from entering their realm, leaving him just as confused as he started.

For the first real time this season, we get to follow Raphael, who we know is mixed up in something sketchy. It turns out he is looking after/keeping hostage a new and disturbed vampire in his basement, who just so happens to be the young woman and fangirl Heidi that Simon killed (well, turned) last season; this goes about as well as one would expect, when by the end of the episode, we discover Heidi has escaped. Raphael’s expression upon this discovery says it all.

Alec and Magnus are also in a difficult spot, as they are expecting Maryse over for dinner. Alec is adorably anxious and Magnus the sweet boyfriend who can’t help but pull hilarious expressions at Alec’s antics. The evening is made even more bizarre by Maryse’s intense good mood (she embraces Magnus, tells jokes and smiles the entire time). It turns out that Maryse has been re-charged as a traitor by the Clave since Valentine’s attack and is scheduled to be de-runed in the next few days.

Sympathy for Maryse was not something viewers expected to feel this episode. Although divorce is difficult, as Issy said to Magnus early in this episode, it is for the best. But watching Maryse act so light-hearted, open with her affections and humour, we realise it’s simply because she views this as a last supper before losing her runes. The end of the dinner party didn't leave viewers confident that things would turn out alright, but also executed well by the writers.

The standout heartbreak in this episode goes to Raphael, who is having the definition of a ‘bad day’. It is devastating to see him lose everything: his family, his relationships and his control over situations. Seeing Raphael and his sister Rosa together talking of the stars is such a heart-warming scene, while witnessing him cry is like seeing your parents crying for the first time. To make matters worse, the one person Raphael actually derives comfort from - Isabelle - is separated from him due to their addictions; it’s terrible because we know Raphael is trying to do the right thing, or at least stop as many people from getting hurt as he can, but he is under emotional distress and pressure that bad decisions are bound to happen.

Another person falling apart in this episode is Jace. Dom Sherwood has to be commended for pulling off Jace’s paranoia, confusion and vulnerability so well; it’s hard to watch, but in the best possible way. The reveal of Jace actually being the Owl was well done too. The way the scenes are built up and the fact that it was never made obvious that Jace wasn’t around during the attacks made it quite a surprise when he reveals himself to Lilith.

Although it’s hard to imagine things are looking up from here, for our favourite characters, one has to admit that this week’s episode was enjoyable and well done, if not just a little sadistic.

New episodes of 'Shadowhunters' air weekly on Netflix.

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