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RETROSPECTIVE | ‘Jaws’ (1975)

When a young woman is killed by a shark whilst skinny-dipping near Amity Island, police chief Martin Brody wants to close the beaches, but is stopped by the mayor (Murray Hamilton), who believes a decrease in tourist revenue will cripple the town.

Soon, Ichthyologist Matt Hooper (Richard Dreyfuss) and ship captain Quint (Robert Shaw) offer to help Brody capture the killer shark, engaging in an epic battle of man vs. nature.

Directed by Steven Spielberg, ‘Jaws’ is a masterpiece action-thriller that has stood the test of time. Populated with well-developed characters that viewers grew to care about, to this day, ‘Jaws’ is as captivating as it was when it was released 42 years ago.

Based on the novel of the same name, Spielberg decided to adapt certain elements of the plot for cinematic purposes, with most characters being portrayed differently onscreen compared to their written counterparts. And this totally works, as the audience cannot help but feel invested in the film’s cast of characters.

Brody (Roy Scheider), Hooper (Richard Dreyfuss) and Quint (Robert Shaw) are proof of excellent casting. Brody is relatable: he is scared of the water, and not a fan of swimming. One of the best scenes in the film is when he sees the shark rise out of the water, and the viewer witnesses his instant shock. When he sincerely informs Quint (in one of the most memorable lines in film history) “We need a bigger boat” – we agree.

Shaw brings a degree of cheerfulness to his role as Quint – a mixture of Captain Queeg and Captain Hook, and delivering a good five-minute monologue about his past - the Indianapolis going down and witnessing his friends getting attacked by sharks.

The most inspired piece of casting in the movie, however, is Dreyfuss as Hooper: the oceanographer who introduces the technical material about the shark in way that reinforces our elemental fear of the creatures.

Which brings us to the shark itself. Some footage used in the film is of actual great white sharks, while most scenes feature a mechanical shark pattern. Amazing, especially for its time.

‘Jaws’ is a summer blockbuster that we don't get very often. It is complete with one hell of a storyline, great action sequences, and the rare acknowledgement that the movie is actually better than the novel.

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