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NEW to DVD/BluRay | 'Sherlock' Season 4

The Baker Street Boys are back. It may have taken three years for 'Sherlock' Season 4 to hit out screens, but it gave us enough drama, mystery and excitement to make it worth the wait.

The first episode picks up from where Season 3 left off, which is fantastic because a time jump just would have been cruel given the three-year hiatus.

Season 3 ended with a familiar face broadcast all over London’s billboards and television screens – the face of Jim Moriarty. But Moriarty is dead, so how is his return possible?

Sherlock is unable to solve the case of Moriarty’s reappearance until he has seen to his other clients, but Moriarty fans would have liked to have seen more of his storyline unfold during Episode 1; however, they were dealt the unsuspected death of a much-loved character instead.

The death sends the entire season in a whole new direction, causing friction between Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) and John Watson (Martin Freeman), and testing relationships with other characters, too. It was not something fans wanted, but it was certainly unexpected, keeping viewers intrigued.

Along with the episodic storylines, Season 4 introduced something different. Sherlock’s characterisation develops, though first detaching himself from others and struggling to engage with his emotions. Of course Sherlock is socially awkward, but his brutal honesty and lack of social cues always tends to annoy, intimidate or seriously offend the people he interacts with.

However, when Sherlock’s best friend, John Watson, becomes a father and husband for the first time, Sherlock is given the opportunity to discover what it is like to be part of a family. Watching Sherlock journey down the path of self-discovery, immersing himself in the presence of loved ones is one reason why Season 4 could be considered a major leap forward for the series. Showrunners Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat perfectly pieced together a series that would show how someone can change no matter how set in their ways they are. Seasons 1-3 built a power team in John Watson and Sherlock as they solved crimes and fought the bad guys. It established a sense of who Sherlock is, and how his personality impacts his life. But eventually, even the greatest of friends need to grow up and move on.

Society anticipates adults to marry, settle down, have children, and rethink their careers and hobbies; however, John and Sherlock live for what they do, so they must now learn how to balance their new lives in Season 4.

As always, the actors in this program takes risks and remain innovative. Portraying someone of Sherlock’s nature, Benedict Cumberbatch gives a performance that will either piss you off or make you feel completely connected to him. The way in which he treats Molly Hooper (Louise Brealey) - a registrar at the morgue who has an obvious crush on him, infuriates fans in a variety of ways. Because Sherlock doesn’t know how to connect with people, he pushes Molly away, but he doesn’t have much control over the situation. Cumberbatch’s portrayal of Sherlock pushes viewers to consider that some of us are wired differently, and that’s where their unconventional behaviours come from. Luckily for fans also, we get to see more of Moriarty, too. Actor Andrew Scott has impressed fans with his portrayal of Moriarty every time he has graced our screens. The character is sadistic and psychopathic and has the incapacity to show remorse, yet his self-confidence is surprisingly empowering. Scott has brought these characteristics to life - so we always crave more.

Following his death in Season 2, fans thought they’d seen the last of him. But if Gatiss and Moffat do one thing well, it is please their fans. So if we can’t have him back alive, we can at least see him return though well-written flashbacks. It is with thanks to Gatiss and Moffat that we saw Moriarty grace our screens once more.

With consistent and captivating performances from the entire cast, and gripping writing that allowed characters to grow, Season 4 surely does not disappoint, leaving fans demanding a fifth season… but with the writers suggesting the show will not return, viewers can be satisfied with how the series (may have) ended. Sherlock is available now on DVD and BluRay. Grab your copy from all good retailers today!

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