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MARVEL NEWS | 'Spider-Man'

Thrilled by his experience with the Avengers in ‘Civil War’ (2016), young Peter Parker (Tom Holland) returns home to live with his Aunt May. Under the watchful eye of mentor Tony Stark, Parker starts to embrace his newfound identity as Spider-Man.

Peter tries to return to his normal daily routine, but is distracted by thoughts of proving himself to be more than just a friendly neighbourhood superhero. He must soon put his powers to the test when the evil Vulture emerges to threaten everything and everyone that Peter loves and holds dear.

Marvel and Sony have signed a deal stating that Spider-Man will join the Marvel cinematic universe, and also confirmed is that the friendly superhero will feature in ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ (2018). This will be the second time the character has been rebooted, but ‘Infinity War’ will not follow the same origin story that we already know of Peter Parker and his uncle from the previous ‘Spider-Man’ film.

With two trailers already released, we get to see Spider-Man in full action. The tone suggests that this is the true Spider-Man: complete with suit, and the classic web wings on show for the first time on the big screen, as well as other upgrades, such as how the suit come off with one press of the spider logo.

For every superhero, there is always a super villain, and in ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ we are given not one, but three. This is promising in comparison to the previous films, as in ‘Spider-Man 2’ we only saw Electro, Green Goblin and Rhino, who seemed to take to the screen for a only a short amount of time; fans of the ‘Spider-Man’ story didn’t like how these villains were set up onscreen. Then, in ‘Spider-Man 3’, there may have been three villains, but their characters were arguably ‘silly’ in their portrayal.

‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ will see Vulture, Shocker and the Tinkerer take on the hero, but this time, we have a central villain in the form of Vulture, making Shocker and Tinkerer sidekicks of sorts; this is good in some ways as rumour has it that the Tinkerer built Vulture’s suit from spare parts that were found in the wreckage of the Chitauri invasion of New York City – something of which took place in ‘Avengers’. If this is correct, it will be a very clever, smart and organic way of being able to tie in the greater events of MCU with ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’.

So without further ado, let's take a look at these villains by comparing the film adaptation to their comic depictions:



The Tinkerer

The costume and film stills are yet to be released for this character, but he is said to be played by Michael Chernus, who will inevitably bring his own twist to the role

Every Marvel film connected to the MCU has received relatively grand reviews, so there is little to worry about when it comes to how ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ will do at the box office, and how well it will be received by critics. However, it remains to be seen whether Marvel will get the villains right this time, to the quality of Loki (‘Thor’) – undoubtedly the best Marvel villain we’ve met thus far.

We'll just have to wait until July to find out!

‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ is released in Australian cinemas on 6th July 2017 and in the U.K. on 7th.

Directed by Jon Watts starring: Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr, Michael Keaton, Marisa Tomei and Zendaya.


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