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'Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!' | S02E02 Anime Review

This week’s episode of ‘Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!’ (‘Konosuba’), whilst humorous feels all too reflective of Season One.

The second episode appears to be in the same vein as the previous episode, making one wonder if Studio Deen is investing their money and attention elsewhere. However, the episode’s plot is undeniably great.

The humour is well timed, the characters show comic development, and the audience is officially introduced to two new characters, one of which is a pet.

The voice acting is again exceptional, with comedic tones and sound effects made at just the right moments to evoke humour into the scenes.

Read the episode breakdown below!

This week’s episode picks right up where we left off last week. Kazuma and Aqua are wallowing in pity, shivering from the cold since their house was stripped bare due to the debt owed to the Lord.

Kazuma realises that Darkness is still absent, and wonders if she has been taken advantage of due to her masochistic nature. Megumin, enters unphased with a new pet cat. She doesn’t seem that concerned until Kazuma brings up Darkness and imitates her. They begin to panic until Sena, the prosecutor from the previous episode turns up with a summons for the team.

Due to the efforts of Aqua, Darkness and Megumin to get Kazuma out of imprisonment, Megumin’s explosion magic awakes the giant toads from their slumber. The capital has demanded that the party remove the twelve toads that have awoken to prevent any hazards to nearby farms.


Upon completion of this task (albeit in a hilarious manner whereby Aqua becomes a screaming decoy and Megumin is slowly swallowed by a toad), they encounter another Crimson Demon by the name of Yunyun who claims to be Megumin’s rival. Yunyun demands a challenge.

Megumin accepts the challenge and defeats Yunyun in martial combat, though this is mainly due to her still being covered in the toad’s slime.

The next day, they head to a Magic Item Shop owned by their friend Wiz to sell an orb that Megumin had obtained. As they enter, Yunyun is there and yet again challenges Megumin.

Megumin now recalls who Yunyun was from her past, and points out Yunyun’s lack of friends. She panics and sees a magical item marked ‘Friendship Orb’. Wiz points out how only powerful magic users can handle it. Yunyun continues to challenge Megumin to see who can make it work, thus proving who is the better magic user.

The two begin to use the orb, but as it works, projections of Megumin’s and Yunyun’s pasts fly about the room, visible to everyone in the store, revealing embarrassing moments experienced by the two magic users. Wiz then reveals that the orb increases friendship by sharing embarrassing moments publicly – a nice twist.

The episode closes with Megumin having beaten Yunyun once again in another challenge, marking it off in her book.

The return of the toads played out well in this episode, while recycling certain comedic elements ensures the show is entertaining enough to keep viewers entertained.

One confusing aspect to come from this episode however was the reappearance of Yunyun, who had previously appeared in the OVA special for Season One. The lack of recognition of those events makes this episode somewhat confusing. According to the official website, the events in the OVA actually occur after this episode.

Overall, another enjoyable episode of ‘Konosuba’ which maintains the humour and tone of the series.

You can catch ‘Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!’ on Animelab!

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