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FUNKO REVEALS | New York Toy Fair 2017

Recently, Funko revealed a whole heap of images from the 2017 New York Toy Fair: from concept art, to plushies, clothing and Pop! Vinyl figures. The pop culture giant proved it has it all.

But with so many releases, it was all a little hard to take it all in. Instead of trying to throw everything at you all at once, we thought we would take a look at our own personal favourites from the enormous list of releases.

Here are the top Pop! Vinyls we at Gigamov are looking forward to the most.

4. Wonder Woman

There have already been countless versions of this Amazonian goddess, but this set concentrates solely on Wonder Woman’s upcoming debut feature film, starring Gal Gadot and Chris Pine. The detail in her costume (especially her shield) shows just how far Funko have come with their attention to detail, and to bringing their characters to life. Even the Steve Trevor figure looks the part, despite his simple sandy brown get up. This is a set we're definitely looking forward to.

3. 66 Barbara Gordon

Taking our Number 3 spot is another iconic comic book female character, and one that has been around for no less than 51 years! There is a full line of all the main characters from the 1966 ‘Batman’ TV show, but this Barbara Gordon is in our opinion the stand out piece. The Purple and Yellow suit is so vibrant (especially with the cape) that it would be one of the only Pop! Vinyls we'd actually display outside of its box. A must for ‘Batman’ fans young and old.

2. ‘Spider-man Homecoming’: Homemade Suit

Spider-Man is another of those franchises that some would say has been done to death in Pop! Form… we can think of at least ten off the top of our collective heads! However, based on the upcoming movie ‘Spider-man: Homecoming’, this set takes an alternative look at the much loved web slinger, and that is in the form of his homemade suit.

Now, as the film is due for release later this year, we cannot compare likeness to the onscreen versions of these Pop! Figures; despite, boy do they look good! The vinyls add to the hype of the unknown aspects of the film, and have us bouncing in absolute anticipation! Further to that, the suit tends to humanise Spider-man, adding another layer of depth that the regular versions just don't have.

1. Nickelodeon 90s Characters

If you read our previous Funko post, you'll know just how excited we are to get our hands on these characters! To see them in prototype form only increases our eagerness ten fold! We really can see this being the stand out set from 2017, and the year has only just begun.

What did you think of the above Pop! collections? Maybe you have a list of favourites of your own?

We'd love to hear from you!

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