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All-Star cast in 'Daddy's Home 2' this Christmas

When Walhberg and Ferrell starred in 'The Other Guys' (2010), the pair struck gold with their unexpected but brilliant comedic pairing. The humour continues in this sequel, framed by quality comedy writing. 'Daddy's Home 2' follows Brad (Will Ferrell) and Dusty (Mark Wahlberg), who must deal with their intrusive fathers during the Christmas holidays.

The second instalment features Brad and Dusty's fathers, played by John Lithgow and Mel Gibson. Without stealing the show, Lithgow and Gibson build on the humour of the original story, and perfecting the whole 'awkward family Christmas' vibe, trying to outdo one another to prove who the better father is. It holds true sentimentally as the characters try to balance what it means to be a modern nuclear family and a good father.

'Daddy's Home 2' is a family comedy, and one you can take your kids to without covering their eyes or covering their ears. Sure, the film is cheesy as anything, but the slapstick antics, well-times jokes and likeable characters make up for its predictability at times.

The film proves to entertain because unlike its characters (who try to out do each other), no one character monopolises screen time. Lithgow and Gibson's character's add to the humour of the film without missing a beat, complementing their screen sons in Wahlberg and Ferrell.

While some may think 'Daddy's Home 2' is formulaic, it still proves to be a family hit, and one worth seeing this Christmas.

'Daddy's Home 2' is in cinemas now.

Criss Gidas

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