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When the Queen met Spider-Man... 'Breathe' is the real life love story starring Britain'

'Breathe' tells the true story story of Robin Cavendish, who became paralysed from the neck down by polio at age 28, and became an advocate for the disabled. The biographical drama starring much loved Andrew Garfield and her majesty Claire Foy ('The Crown') is the first directing credited for Andy Serkis, who rose to fame as the infamous Gollum from Middle Earth.

'Breathe' is a British film to its core and has the full support of the Cavendish family, with Jonathan Cavendish (son of Diana and Robin) credited as a producer on the film.

The film is very noble and sincere in its approach to the subject, holding inspiration for many individuals who suffer from disability. Luckily, this is a film that just gets better throughout - even as it falls prey to cliche.

It was half expected that something grittier would be coming from Serkis, but though it may feel to the viewer like something they've seem before. It seems to be somewhat of a personal project for Serkis - whose sister suffers from multiple sclerosis, and it holds heart from start to finish where other films of similar subject matter do not.

While fans of Peter Jackson's films will remember Serkis for his use of performance-capture (Gollum/Smeagol), he returns the favour, putting to exceptional use Tom Hollander playing Diana Cavendish’s twin brothers. Whether rightly or wrongly, audiences might liken 'Breathe' to 'The Theory of Everything', though it would be a shame, as both films (and leading actors) shine in their own right. Films such as these are a reminder to those who don’t suffer from a disability (as both Hawking and Cavendish do) that one can still achieve amazing things. In Hawking’s case, he’s still able to contribute to theoretical physics, while Cavendish transforms the lives of those who suffer with paralysis. Garfield and Foy are a well matched onscreen couple, displaying believable chemistry and love and dedication for one another.

While 'Breathe' may seem like a biographical romance/drama on the surfaces about a man who overcomes his limitations, it is so much more.

This is one worth seeing.

'Breathe' is in selected cinemas now.

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