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'Shadowhunters' Season Premiere! (S02E01)

‘Shadowhunters’ has returned to our screens with the promise of new characters, new action and possibly new heartbreak. ‘This Guilty Blood’ (Season 2, Episode 1) was much anticipated by fans, and left us with tantalising promises to come for the rest of the season.


In this episode, we see the aftermath of Jace’s voluntary capture by Valentine as well as the awakening of Clary’s mother, Jocelyn. Viewers are introduced to the Inquisitor Victor Aldertree (Nick Sagar), and treated to a badass (and kind of flirty) scene that shows off Isabelle and Clary’s fierce combat skills when plotting their next move. There is also character development of the series’ villain Valentine Morgenstern.

The series return has definitely upped its game. New show titles display a deeper delving into the fantasy world of the Shadowhunters, which is further emphasised by the various shots dispersed throughout the episode where we see the ‘glamour’ of the world as viewers know it, followed by the replacement of the Shadowhunter world. Although simple, it is a good addition to the cinematic techniques to further immerse viewers into the world.

True to the first season, the secondary characters are also given pride of place in the first episode of season 2. Jocelyn Fray a.k.a Clary’s mother (Maxim Roy) has finally risen from her sleeping beauty spell, and although the ‘confrontation’ between Clary (who has been lied to all her life) and Jocelyn is disappointingly glossed over, Jocelyn is given screen time, proving Clary has inherited her independence and manipulative mastery. Her character development is proving to be an exciting and conflicted one that undoubtedly keep audiences watching throughout the season.

Another highlight thus far is the fleshing out of Valentine Morgenstern’s character. In the book series, Valentine is a charismatic and compelling villain, and this episode proves that attempts are being made to do the same in the television adaptation. Interestingly, Valentine evokes a mostly creepy and infuriating vibe onscreen, which is many ways is extremely effective. Alan Van Sprang’s portrayal of Valentine’s complicated affection for Jace is depicted with much conviction, especially considering he is having Jace tortured both physically, psychologically and emotionally for most of the episode.

The introduction of Victor Aldertree is also compelling, the character coming across as inviting and interesting. In the book series, Aldertree is white, stout and rather sleazy. A different approach is being taken by Ed Decter and the writers, which is fascinating to watch. There is something very unapologetic in Aldertree’s performance that invites the notion our heroes will be fighting some serious authority this season.

Unfortunately, there were some disappointing aspects to the new episode. Some issues were glossed over or unexplained, such as Luke’s supposed accepting of his werewolf pack’s mistreatment of Simon. Characters Clary and Alec were unconvincing at times, and the orientation scene felt rushed - there seemed to be a lot of waiting happening, which made for a stagnant plot to begin with.

That said, there were moments of excellent connection between characters: Alec and his mother, Isabelle and Clary, and Alec and Magnus; these really do guarantee excellent story arcs to follow. Bring on Episode 2!

New episodes of ‘Shadowhunters’ Season 2 are updated weekly on Netflix.

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