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'Final Fantasy XV' Game Review

‘Final Fantasy XV’ is Square Enix’s open world, action role-playing game that was development for so long that it evolved from ‘Final Fantasy XIII’ versus its very own title.

‘Final Fantasy XV’ follows Prince Noctis and his three trusted guards - Gladiolus, Ignis and Prompto, on their quest to reclaim Prince Noctis’s kingdom – Lucis from the empire of Niflheim.

Although this game is a continuation of the long running ‘Final Fantasy’ series, it is in no way purely for the series’ veteran. The story, although making reference to other ‘Final Fantasy’ games, is a standalone, allowing newcomers to pick it up with ease. However, some of the series’ experts may be disappointed with certain new game mechanics and a convoluted story.

Gamers who enjoy an open world experience are likely to enjoy ‘Final Fantasy XV’. The world is expansive and has much to offer, including numerous side quests and missions. The open world environment is further emphasised by unscripted, randomised combat and a camping mechanic. The randomised events can be as simple as Noctis’ party encountering a rare creature to an enemy drop ship appearing during the middle of exploration. ‘Completionists’ will be kept busy and can expect to clock up tens of hours completing the side quests and levelling up their party.

Square Enix have made some bold moves with ‘FFXV’, including changing the gameplay expected in these games. Unlike previous ‘Final Fantasy’ instalments, ‘FFXV’ adopts a single-player, real-time combat system rather than party turn-based strategy. Players play primarily as Noctis, while Ignis, Gladiolus and Prompto provide support. Although there is an emphasis on real-time combat there is an optional ‘Wait Mode’, allowing the player to pause combat to select new targets and commands to perform. The combat system is fast-paced and engaging with a hint of strategy required. However, fans of the game series may be disappointed with the new combat, arguing that there is less of an emphasis on strategy and teamwork in comparison to previous instalments.

‘Final Fantasy’ is renowned for its backdrops, mythology and creatures, and this installment does not disappoint. There are a plethora of fantastical beasts for players to hunt and battle. The wilderness depicted in the game is not only vast but also provides a sense of depth to the world. Many ruins and dungeons are scattered across the map allowing for hours of exploration. Although the environment in the wilderness is a major bonus, the towns and outposts scattered throughout the map are not much to be desired; the designs for the towns and outposts in comparison to the rest of the game appear a little flat. Although a small critique, the overall atmosphere would have benefitted if more attention were placed on the design of the towns and NPCs.

One of the benefits of ‘Final Fantasy XV’ is the standalone story, allowing for accessibility to all gamers. Although the characters look like they have stepped out of a Japanese boy band, the characters are likeable and have a surprising amount of depth to them. It also helps that the voice acting in both the Japanese and English dubs are of a high standard. Although the main protagonists are well developed and the premise of the story intriguing, one shortfall remains: the storytelling. The game suffers from quick jumps in the storyline, and while this has likely been done to reinforce intrigue, it ultimately results in the story being hard to follow. Overall, the story may have benefitted from additional cut scenes to provide clarity around the backstory.

The long development of ‘Final Fantasy XV’ seems relatively warranted with the expansive world on offer and great gameplay versatility. Although sometimes difficult to follow, the story will likely satisfy players and come across as one of the more polished ‘Final Fantasy’ games in recent years. The new combat style may cause some raised eyebrows, but it is good to see Square Enix branching out. Both first-timers and fans alike should give this ‘Final Fantasy’ instalment a try.

‘Final Fantasy XV’ is available now on Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

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