Guillermo Del Toro is back with another mesmerising film, 'The Shape of Water''The Shape of Water' tells the story of a top secret research facility in the 1960s where a lonely janitor forms a unique relationship...
'It' | The unexpected coming-of-age film with a horrifying twistIt’s 1988, and a stuttering boy’s seven-year-old brother has disappeared. Strangely though, he isn’t the only one, and yet no-one seems...
CINEMA | Oh, brother... Check out 'Mother!'Director Darren Aronofsky's latest film 'Mother!' was graded F by CinemaScore. After watching this psychological horror, it’s clear why...
FANTASY DRAMA | 'A Monster Calls'Conor O’Malley (Lewis MacDougall) is a thirteen-year-old boy with a recurring nightmare by night, and by day, the nightmare of his...