FANTASY DRAMA | 'A Monster Calls'Conor O’Malley (Lewis MacDougall) is a thirteen-year-old boy with a recurring nightmare by night, and by day, the nightmare of his...
THROWBACK | 'Prometheus' Retrospective33 years after launching the franchise, Ridley Scott returned to direct a prequel/spin-off/parallel narrative piece that aimed to address...
THROWBACK | 'Alien: Resurrection' RetrospectiveCan the final Ripley ‘Alien’ film regain some of the franchise’s lustre, or will the franchise go out with a whimper? (Until the...
THROWBACK | 'Alien 3' RetrospectiveWith two awesome sci-fi/horror films as the start of a franchise, how did the producers follow up on the success of 'Aliens'? Oh, boy…...
THROWBACK | 'Aliens' RetrospectiveWith new instalment 'Alien: Covenant' due for release next month, we're continuing our look back over the quintessential Science-Fiction...
THROWBACK | 'Alien' RetrospectiveWith new instalment 'Alien: Covenant' to be released in just a few weeks, now is the perfect time to look back over the quintessential...