AT THE CINEMA | 'Blade Runner 2049''Blade Runner 2049' is one of the most anticipated films of 2017, and fans of the original cult classic flocked to cinemas upon its...
'Alien: Covenant' | The franchise continues‘Alien: Covenant’ concerns the voyage of the titular ship, a colony ship, and its discovery of an undiscovered Earth-like planet seven...
THROWBACK | 'Prometheus' Retrospective33 years after launching the franchise, Ridley Scott returned to direct a prequel/spin-off/parallel narrative piece that aimed to address...
THROWBACK | 'Alien 3' RetrospectiveWith two awesome sci-fi/horror films as the start of a franchise, how did the producers follow up on the success of 'Aliens'? Oh, boy…...
THROWBACK | 'Aliens' RetrospectiveWith new instalment 'Alien: Covenant' due for release next month, we're continuing our look back over the quintessential Science-Fiction...
THROWBACK | 'Alien' RetrospectiveWith new instalment 'Alien: Covenant' to be released in just a few weeks, now is the perfect time to look back over the quintessential...
SCI-FI SMASH | 'Life' Film Review'Life' tells the story of an international space crew that discovers life on Mars. It is a Science Fiction film that will make viewers'...
SCI-FI | 10 Highly Anticipated Films in 2017With Science Fiction one of the most popular film genres of today, we bring you the ten most anticipated films the studios have in store...
'The Man in the High Castle' | Amazon Prime Series ReviewPopular Amazon Studios television series 'The Man in the High Castle’ is an American dystopian alternative history loosely based on the...