HIT OR MISS? | 'Solo: A Star Wars Story''Solo: A Star Wars Story' is set during an adventure into the criminal underworld, where Han Solo meets his future copilot Chewbacca and...
AT THE CINEMA | 'Blade Runner 2049''Blade Runner 2049' is one of the most anticipated films of 2017, and fans of the original cult classic flocked to cinemas upon its...
'Supernatural' | 'Regarding Dean' S12E11 OverviewIt was another tenuous episode of ‘Supernatural’ this week, but did it leave viewers satisfied? Let's take a look why ‘Regarding Dean’...
SCI-FI | 10 Highly Anticipated Films in 2017With Science Fiction one of the most popular film genres of today, we bring you the ten most anticipated films the studios have in store...